Sunday, September 30, 2007

Taufik make a comeback!

After a few weeks of deserved break for the badminton prodigy, hidayat, he finally walk out of his shadow and decided to refresh his carrer again. It would be a brand new start for his carrer and believe that he would regain to his top form soon. Hidayat look energetic when he released the good news. He looks fitter and more muscular after climbing flights of 36 storey staircase.Fans are awaiting for his return and had been giving him their upmost support for the past few weeks.

Catch Taufik Hidayat live at Gek Poh CC today at 5pm. Dont miss it, the killer is back!!

Taufik make a comeback!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

What?? Taufik actually said that!! Believe it or not...

fucai says:
i going training one month den u will see a new taufik
fucai says:
fucai says:
i will nt be competitive for the next month

Wondering wat the message is all about??? Well....
Taufik Hidayat(NICKNAME FUCAI) actually confessed to public that he will not be competitive for this month, which is hghlighted in red. It is such an UNPROFESSIONAL ACTIONS that the board of indonesia decided to take harsh disciplinary actions on him.

Indonesia badminton spokesman, MOHD ALI, said, "I was quite shock at the news and could not believe that such a wonderful player could actually say things like that. It was completely a shame to our team. He can happily withdraw from the team if he is unwilligly to stay at the competitive edge. But, a further discussion with the board will be held tomorrow to take the necessary actions against him. Nevertheless, i think things look neative. So, i have no answer to you if u ask if he would be sacked."

Howver TAUFIK's coach defended him:" I think TAUFIK does not mean that he is not willing to fight for the team. I think he is just feeling exhausted from all the major competitions and just need to have a rest to refresh his batteries. I am his coach and i know his condition very well. The ownderful hidayat shall always be wonderful. And no matter what happens, i will support him. Its just misunderstanding, nothing more than that."

It was apparent that the board was extremely upset with him after the spokesman express their rage. But TAUFIK had not made any comments yet since the news was broke. It sets spell for the INDO number one.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lee Chong Wei - The killer smasher

The SOHCHIHUI BADMINTON TIMES MAGAZINE did a report on a person whom everone is talking about be it in the street/bus/kopitiam/wherever la, the SINGLE CUM DOUBLE CUM COMMENTATOR CUM LINESMAN CUM UMPIRE. WOW, it seems like this guy is a busybody, isnt it? If you think that way, NOPE, you are obviously SALAH. He is none other than LEE CHONG WEI. A handsome and cute badminton player.OOPS, i think i gonna kena complaint by reader for making a Disapproving comment. haha. Well, wat to do.....

Okay, i have been to one of his tournament which i think is the BOON LAY OPEN one larz. EH think is VS TAUFIK HIDAYAT. The black black guy, wore the blue colour YY jearsey one. IS him right??? WOW, tt match ar, LEE shuttle fly very fast sia. Cannot see one leh. But i think TAUFIK block the shuttle la. HAHA!!! Anyway my job is to praise LEE la. His smashing speed i can tell has improved tremendously over the years larz. ERM anyway just double check ar, if the speed up by 1km/h, consider improve tremondously anot ar???? Yes, right. But back to the point, especially his cross court jumping smash which was oftenly displayed by him WAH PIANG AAAAA, CHIO SIA. Too CHIO already. I watch alrdy also BWG leh. See until mouth open big big leh. Just one word in malay i know of can describe one larz, like how i describe my shit, " CENTIK ". CENTIK CENTIK SIA! Centik means beautiful in malay.

Furthermore, his backhand smash ar was simply a legend!!!! NOBODY in badminton history had ever manage to elicit it, i think. Cause the small boy boy sit beside me tell me one. Little kiddo heaven been watching badminton in the past. BRAVO, EXCELLENT, FANTASTIC, AMAZING, WONDERFUL, VERY GOOD!!! It was like LEE had already train until that kind of ULTIMATE standard. WOW, POWER SIA. I think youngster shld learn from him larz. Flighting at a speed of 50km/h, as fast as an F1 car could travel in the normal singapore road, which is also obviously the best among the others, its enough to put other players into hot water!!! Hmm i think that should consider very good le larz. 50km/h you know, u know how fast anot??? If dont know, go ask traffic police larz. See if he will tekan u anot.

Oh ya ar, one more thing,his footwork ar was simply amazing!!!!!! Okay b4 i go any further, u got go to MA CHANG(HORSE TURF) see horse run anot??? Listen to how the horse run sound??? Well, LEE, footwork ar, fast until he produce that type of sound sia, WAH, very funny leh, think if next time u go watch his match ar, PLEASE BRING ALONG EAR PLUG. Anyway, must praise him right, okay...He had display the CATCH THE SHUTTLE attitute which is lacking in both peter and hidayat, i can tell. Whichever corner the shuttle flies to ar, like a goalie he would DIVE to that particular corner sia, trying his best to catch it, but sometimes he will miskill one also larz. And then the opponent will like laugh at him lorz, especially HIDAYAT. The hidayat no manners one larz, you know, he just point at the falling LEE and laugh. But seriously every one in the hall burst into laughter. Thats why LEE always bring shoe bag, hide his face.

After finish watching the match, I quickly chiong down to interviewed him. Luckily, manage to grab his attention la. Wah he lose alrdy ar, still YAYA, walk out of the court ar, WAH SIBEY BUAY TA HAN him, walk until like he win like that. See alrdy i quite TU LAN him. FUCK UP face man. haha.

But seriously i think he dont know how to talk larz. I ask him how he feel when he lose, then he TALK CORK sia crap this shit out: " Yes, i believed i am the most RENOWNED player. I won almost every competition recently and that proven myself. The rest of the players are seriously not improving and not been in their best performance. If they still continue their slack attitude, i think i would be able to dominate the badminton industry in the next 20 years. In addition, their attitude is obviously ruining the image of the badminton industry. For example, TAUFIK HIDAYAT, is notorious to be a bad boy badminton player, who simply register his RAGE in the court. When losing, he love to wack the racket and even CURSED!!!!" WHAT A SHAME, i would say. A professional talk sth like that. Is he a loser or a player??? HAHAHAH!!!!!

Hmm so thats all for my report on LEE CHONG WEI 2007 and hope that it would be a useful infor for you readers out there, hope u enjoy wat i wrote and maybe if got chance i will write taufik one. Taufik like got more things to write. Lee nothing to talk about leh, he no skill one, bodoh in the court. haha.

hui's profile

Personal Details Name: Soh Chi Hui aka LEE CHONG WEI (MALAYSIA)
Date of birth: 17th November 1988
Age: 19+
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 48kg
Value: 18million 25 million
Preferred Move: Jumping Smash, although easily defend by cai and lOon.=)

Technical Attributes
Lobbing:14 16
Drop Shot:10 15
Smashing:13 14
Pushing:4 6
Defending:7 12
Technique:3 15

Aggression:15 15
Composure:15 16
Bravery:9 12
Concentration:11 12
Creativity:5 10
Decisions:5 10
Determination:7 10
Work Rate:2 13

Physical Attributes
Strength:3 5
Stamina:3 5
Pace:2 5
Natural Fitness:1 2
Balance:5 6
Footwork:5 7

Career Statistics:
Beat Hidayat 15-12,15-4 in the opening game in Jurong West Open 2007
Emerged Champion in Gek Poh Open 2007
Beating Hidayat 15-8 in Gek Poh Open 2007 &Beating Peter Gade 15-6 in Gek Poh Open 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Peter Gade

Months had passed and there were no news about the world 7th seed, Peter Gade.

Today, we are very honor to have this one-one interview with Peter Gade, conducted by our No1 reporter, James Ong.

James Ong: Hi, Gade. I am James Ong, nOt James Bond. Wahaha.. How are you getting on?

Gade: Wow, you are a very interesting fellow. I like you. You look like my favourite artiste fromt the band, Westlife. You know who.. Shhh.. The one who is not to be spoken..

James: Okay, i think i know who.. So, how are you getting on after you are being defeated by lin dan in the lately game?

Gade: Hey you! Can't you stop asking about this? Pls dun write this in the magazine!

***Obviously we will write to increase our sales!

Gade:I have been doing fine. Just came back from Malaysia for a holiday and I met Chong Wei. To share with you, he just recieve a letter of appreciation from the chief commissioner of the malaysia police force. He had brought down 7 robbers by using his trademark jumping smash, at a speed of 400km/h. The police was impressed by his shuttle which travelled faster than the bullet. Hey, hidayat, you have a opponent.

James: So, how your trainning for the next few competition?

Gade: I am a realistic player unlike those who die die want to win through smashing. The faster the better? I doubt.. Look at boonsak?Hidayat? trainning like a cow, trying to throw the shuttle from Singapore to America. For wat man. Buy and take a flight lah. I have been working on my stamina and my footwork. Thats all.

James: Thank you for your time, gade.

Gade: You are most welcome. For those who wants to view more clips about the hidayat and boonsak, please login Thank you, james.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Boonsak's verdict for GEK POH tournament

Boonsak Ponsana released his verdict on his GEK POH TOURNAMENT after his exit in the semi-final.
In his verdict, he thanked taufik for his blessing which was wished on the wake of the GEK POH tornament.

He is delighted that he entered into the semi-final.

He said:"I didnt even expect that i could enter this far into the competition. Before i play, all i thought of was to enter the court with confidence and just bring out my very best performance. I was lucky enough to meet substandard player in round one and quater final. And i play confidently against them and win the game. If i had lost, i would never ever play again. But, i agree my semi final opponent was much much better than me in all areas. I had already done all i could, like moving him round the court and attack his backhand, but it just couldnt work. I try not to play too much attacking against him as i was afraid he would counter attack me. And to compensate that, i end up trying to play rallies with him. However, my fitness dies on me. I breathe hard in the second set. And that advantaged him.
Moreever, he seems to be able to predict my shots. His pace was faster than me and his netting was sharp. I confessed i was not good enough to defend his smashes and i had a lot of work to do in that area.
But overall, i am satisfied with the way i played today. I am in top form and i had already explicit my best shot against the semifinal opponent. And all i am left to say was i just lost to a better player. And i will learn from my mistake and hope that i will participate more in other competition."

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Surprise blessing to Boonsak

Taufik has expressed his words to wish Boonsak all the best for tml Gek Poh Championships.
His comment has shocked the media, who feel that both players are always at loggerheads.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Boonsak's interview

The straits times did some interview with Thailand Number one badminton player, Boonsak Ponsana, early this morning when he arrived at Changi airport. He was warmly welcomed by a seas of passionate fans who had been waiting for his arrival since yesterday night. So, this are all the questions that we asked him:

How do you feel when you saw a whole lot of fans screaming for you?
Well, i was touched by their endless support for me, and thanks a million to them for waiting at the airport for me through the nights. Its hard for them and i appreciated it. :) So i will repay them by championing in this coming tournament.haha

How far do you think you can go?
I can go to far east. lolx. just joking. Hmm, think a final shldnt be a problem for me cos i reckons that i am well prepared for the season. The long holidays have been a great beneficial for me as i kinda recharge my batteries. So, i am very fresh and more motivation for me to move on!

So who is your toughest opponent so far?
Wow, thats a hard question. I would say its taufik Hidayat. He is such a great player as a whole and his wonderful smash, flighting at a speed of 300km/h is simply incredible!!! I can say its second to none. And he seems to be fast and efficient with his netplay.

Who do you fear most in this coming tournament?
Obviously its Peter gade. He has improve tremondously and i really salute him for that. He is determined and his great hunger for the trophy is a plus plus point for him. Anyway, i must be wary of him.haha.

So thats all for our interview with him and we wish Boonsak the very best in the coming tournament.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Exclusive news!!!

After a long well deserved holidays for the badminton lads, once again, they are back into full action in the court. They will be starting the new season soon and it will be sheduled around the next two weeks(*Dates are TBA).
To start off with the tournament promo, there will be an exclusive interview with Boonsak Ponsana next week, so stay tuned. Furthermore, the lad's stats will also be assessed soon.

The tournement are yet to be announced by the organisation but according to experience, these are the details our reporters gathered.

Location: Boon Lay
Shuttle used: PRO-ACE

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Not again.....

After a famous quotation from the famous hidayat of "Hei an hai shi hei an", the world number one is influenced and are back to this dark dark world......... What a day..........

Anyway, though i had little faith in hidayat in planning a great outing, i decided to gif him the opportunity to organize it.. No matter what, just hope the "sticking in jurong point" curse will be remove.. Let's go further...

*** Im starting to hei an... hiaz...

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Hoi, this few days ar, dunno why ar my No-LIFE siren activated liao leh. haha.
Think i need to get a life soon. SO fast fast organise an outings, btw i nx week not playing with instructor so..........

Fucai will in charge of this outing as we are always very satisfied with the way u organise outings wahhaha. So faster present ur proposals soon. FUCAI BOLEH!!???
We look forward to ur fantastiic/amazing/adventurous proposals. haha.


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Taufik ends speculations...

Taufik Hidayat declared he has give up on KEELY!!!
Speculations of Hidayat ending his competitive career has been put on a hold as he commits himself to badminton career!

Saturday, June 30, 2007


It has been videoed by the mediacorp team that THAI coach Ponsana Boonsak Lamak roared at his potential single player. Confidence Boonsak seemed to be seriously losing his form, standard and confidence. He sucks today and everyday perhaps. Soory boonsak, we have to say that to please TAUFIK HIDAYAT!!!

Coach PBL:" I am really disappointed at how SAK play. I am so cheesed off by the way he play in the court!!!He disappoint me. If he does not want to play badminton, seriously, he should go back to school and focus on his schoolwork. I dont know what the hell he is doing in the court today. He looks uncomfortable when moving during the games. is he Dancing or playing? He is far too lousy to be named number one!!! I think the organisation should do something about his sub-standard quality.He has been in this state for quite a long time. He cant continue like that!!!"

Hidayat recent updates

Although the skillful Indonesian has claimed that his skills and pace are catching up with him, and his relationship with keely has turn sour, he performed very well in today training session against Peter and Boonsak.

His constant footwork, pace and defending was a key to win countless of matches. Other than that, reports said that his smashings' speed has decrease, that not true!! According to the SPEED TIMING SYSTEM(STS), his average smashing speed is at 150KM/Hr, and he produces some 200KM/hr smashing, in which his both oppenents have no choice but to lOOk at the SHOts he displayed.

When reporter Toh interviewed Hidayat whether he is considering retirement, he said," HMM.. judging from today performances, do you think i should retire? haha, both peter and boonsak showed soo much weakness, i think i am capable to beat them easily. BUt, i will still consider retirement from competitive matches, NO MOTIVATION MAN!!"

We shall see tml training session with the same players at Boon Lay training centre.Til then wish all the three players the best in their training.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hidayat living in hei an days..

Hidayat (fucai) has been upset and depressed lately, as keely believed to be his girlfriend, failed to reply him messages. He speak to the reporter," Hai, HEI AN ar, hai no motivation to do any things man, no mood to train for tournament, think my smashing drop to 50Km/hr le."
HAI HAI HAI...............

With this shocking news that Hidayat is not training for his tournament, Peter and Boonsak may gain an upper hand. Taufik speak," aiya heck care le la, keely oso never reply mi, i train oso half hearted de."

It seems that keely is quite important to Taufik Hidayat and we sincerely hope he will get back to his feet fast and let us see his wonderful smashing again.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Peter Gade is jealous!!!

Peter Gade decided to step forward and defend himself by alledgely accuse both Boonsak and hidayat of being desperate. Yes, both boonsak and hidayat are both training their smashes, and its a fact that they can smash.
Boonsak said:"I think Peter is simply jealous of us. He is just so jealous of us practising and practising and more practises. As a player, sometimes its not really talents, its the passion and goals. I dont train aimlessly. I kknow exactly what am i doing and later at the end of the day, everybody will see the result!. If he cant smash well like the way we do, we are most willing to teach him. He dont really have to go to such a full extent in saying we are desperate and to become a pilot!!! I wont be affected by his comments. Instead, i just take it that he is barking like a dog. Remember a barking dog never bites!!! He just cant win!!"

A badminton player? A pilot!

After reading the articles about the recent news of both hidayat and boonsak, Peter gade was very disappointed by it. He confessed, "I wonder what the rest are doing. I think they are just desperate. They know that they cannot win and thus, decided to go into all sorts of way to defeat me. However, all these are insignificant. Like what taufik had said, its all about talent." Apparently the 3rd seed is confident about himself. Whether he will win in the Jurong west open, it is still an unknown answer. Peter gade just wanted to tell his opponents, "Stay focus and stop thinking about smashing. If you really looking forward to let it fly at 300km/h,

just change your job. Be a pilot. "

Its fitness time!!

Boonsak Ponsana and Taufik Hidayat both attended a one day physical camp in South Africa, Kenya. The one day camp involve activities such as gym-ing and running. Both the thai and indonesia coach felt that the camp would be a wonderful opportuninty for the players to improve their stamina, pace, strength, mental strength and most importanly their smashes speed.

Boonsak commented: "I feel much more vibrant and energetic after the camp. I just calculated my smashing speed, yeah, it increase by 50km/h which means its increase to 200km/h from 150km/h. I think i would like to participate more in such camps as it is really useful for me."

Taufik critisize:"I feel i am wasting my time in attending this camp. Its kinda useless. I mean u go gym-ing to improve smashing speed!!! COme on man, what the hell is this, its ridiculous, u mean u carry 100kg of weight then ur speed will increase??By how much??? Every 10kg increase by 1km/h??? well what smashing talks about is TALENT!!! You understand. Look at me, i was born to smash, onli small -little-kiddo like boonsak will only crap about increase speed in gym-ing. WHATS THIS!!!"

Peter gade added to what Hidayat said:" Yes i totally agree with hidayat. Thats why i rejected attending such lame camp!! Its all about talents."

Saturday, June 16, 2007


The fixtures of JW OPEN are out:

Taufik Hidayat VS Boonsak Ponsana
Peter Gade VS Jonassen

The alive-dead battle between the indo and thai is a MUST-SEE match for everyone Its a match where only the fittest shall survive. THAI ACE, Boonsak, who clinched the BL champion last week seem to be lacking of confidence whille corky HIDAYAT is full of hopes. He bullshitted again:" AIYA, i nearly won last week lorz, besides that, JW is my half home ground leh. Wont definitely lose one hor." He also added:" Morever, i am in love now and KEELY is my new sweetheart now leh, and we are currently very sweet now and this extra relationship give me a new set of fresh motivation to fight all the way to the final. FOR KEELY, i will CHIONG la. TAUFIK BOLEH!!!"

WOW. Looking at Hidayat comments, the match sure very exciting one. His morale looks superb when we interviewed him. The campus superstar, KEELY, is believed not able to make it to watch HIDAYAT as she is having a competition in the nights where she is spending with ZIJIE.

The ALL-DENMARK affairs for the 2nd match is GADE and JONASSEN. Well everybody shld know who will win. So u noe and i noe can liao, dont need to spell out. Peter Gade who desperately wanting to prove himself in the JW open, is confident of gaining an entry to the final. He, who confessed to the reporters last week that he lost to BOONSAK proudly, knows exactly what type of gameplan he will be using when meeting his teammates JONASSEN. He will be doing more on attacking and tricks. Peter is currently lying in the last position. So lets hope PETER GADE shall give us his very best performance and an entertaining match to watch.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jurong West open 2007

Once again, the badminton season is back with BOONSAK PONSANA(THAILAND), TAUFIK HIDAYAT(INDONESIA), PETER GADE(DENMARK) and JONASSEN(DENMARK) - The top notched players from around the world!!!
KFC announced that the match will be held in JURONG WEST sports hall on 14 JULY. KFC MANAGER said: "Dates are yet to be confirmed because we have to check with the weather forecast again on what type of wind is it on that day."

It was reported that Taufik and Boonsak are both working like a horse in gym. It seem like both of them are bent on training their smashes but their objectives are different.

We currently have no information about PETER GADE because he is in DENMARK and our reporters dun wanna juz to fly over to interview on one guy. But Boonsak and Taufik must be wary of him as he is a SILENT KILLER. He kills without a trace. Judging from his performance in BL open, Peter did elicit some cheeky cheeky tricks to Boonsak, but it was all fruitless.

Well Jonassen ar, haha, we like heard from the DENMARk newspaper that he give up liao. LOL.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Gade is old? Who says? A comeback!

In the recent KFC open, Peter Gade had only managed to defeat Jonassen of Denmark and came in as the second-runner up in the Singles championship. When asked about his defeat to Boonsak, he replied, “I must admit that Boonsak is a fast pace player and I had difficulties when playing against him. In addition, I must admit down I was bit of down in terms of luck as my first opponent is a strong one. If it were others, it would not be much of a problem to enter into the semi final. However, I strongly believe that I will overcome this lost one day and be able to defeat both Taufik and Boonsak. All I can do now is to put full concentration in the next Jurong west open.”

P/s* Peter gade will be using his deceptive shots and design a more attacking formation to beat the 2 champions.

Upclose with Peter Gade

On 9 June, KFC organisation held their first ever prestigious tournament in Boon Lay 2007. It was not only the day where all the badminton pros meet, but it also commemerate a special day for LOON-Peter Gade. YES, HE OFFICIALLY ENTERED KFC ORGANISATION.
we are pleased to have him in the organisation, as he is a wonderful player who can help to promote the sport around the world.
Anyway, a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ONG KHENG LOON. HAHA. Though a bit late, but if u sent the photos earlier, I WOULD HAVE MAKE IT EARLIER. HAHA.
Hope u will enjoy your days in the KFC organisations.
with regards
KCF section manager

Peter gade & Jon peter and boonsak peter and taufik

Taufik showed disappointment in latest match

After being defeated by Boonsak Ponsana in a tight match 24-27, 21-15, 21-23, Taufik showed tears in his eyes," I am disappointed with the results, a victory is just so near so close to me, yet I lost out to Boonsak.''

However Taufik is determined to come back strongly in Jurong West Open 2007. '' I will beat Boonsak this time round, no excuses to lose this time, it is my considered my home ground and if i can perform so well in Boon Lay Open, I don't see why i can't shine in Jurong West Sports Hall.''

Furthermore, Taufik wants to issue challenge to Peter Gade, " hey Peter, through I haven't met u in Boon Lay Open doesn't mean you are not in my beaten players list!!!" "You shall be the next targeted ONE!!"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Boonsak apologies

Boonsak apologise publicly to the KFC organisation this afternoon after being accused by the disciplinary board of being disrepectful to the umpire.

Boonsak said:"I sincerely apologise to the board of my poor attitude and behaviour during the match. I understand that my behaviour will be a bad example to the youngster who are watching.But, i promise not only to the board, but the fans and most importanly, myself, i will be setting out a good example in the next few series."

Boonsak who is believed to be issued a warning letter from the board this morning became suddenly very particular with the apology. He was threatened by the letter as the letter scare BOONSAK by saying the board will banned him forever from the tournament if he keep behave like a monkey in the court. Thats why he kena chua daooo. Boonsak is afraid of losing his participation from KFC tournament.

Discipinary Council

The Disciplinary Council has been disappointed with the players' behavior in yesterday Boon Lay Open 2007. 3 out of 4 players has been given serious warning to their playing conduct.

Peter Gade- 2 Warnings, First warning, violent assualt and disrespectful to the umpire by throwing the shuttle onto him. Second Warning, attempting to start the game without the permission of the umpire.

Taufik Hidayat- 2 Warnings, First warning, scolding vuglar language(fuck) during the match. Second Warning, attempting to throw his racket and make excessive noise.

Boonsak Ponsana- Worse conduct of of the 4 players. Firstly, showing great disrespect to the umpire, wanted to start the match in his own way. Secondly, without the resquest of drinking water and rest break from the umpire, Boonsak walk to sideline and desperately drink his ice mountain water! Third, scolding vuglar(fuck) when he loses a point at the third set with Taufik Hidayat at 17-13. He is lucky to escape with 2 formal warnings.

3 warnings will cause players being suspended in the next game in Jurong West Open 2007

The disciplinary council wants to highlight the importance of players' behavior and will reflect on their reputation and the organisation image.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Home Sweet Home for Taufik Hidayat

Taufik Hidayat was defeated by Boonsak Ponsana in the Boonlay open 2007, with a tight score line of 27-24, 15-21,23-21, after beating Jonassen in the semi final. Boonsak Ponsana shocked the world with an increadible and consistent skills. Taufik just did not have an answer to Boonsak swift pace and sharp rallies.

With a combination of smashes and pushing, Boonsak manage to scrape a victory. His idea was to move Taufik around the court and smash when the chances come. Boonsak said " I try to play a safe game with Taufik. I did not attack unless the chances arises. I move him around to make him tired and that really works for me!!My secret success formula against him. haha" laugh Boonsak.

Taufik also said' Boonsak has really improve a lot. Yes, i lost tonight, i admit it, I HAVE LOST TO A GOOD PLAYER. I have no complaints. I lost."The usual MR EXCUSE TAUFIK did not provide any excuses today. Thats the attitude of a great sports person.

The standings: 1) Boonsak Ponsana 10 points
2) Taufik Hidayat 5 points
3) Jonassen 4 points
4) Peter Gade 3 point

Boonsak Ponsana is obviously leading currently. If he continues his good form, he will grab the championship for this season. As for Taufik Hidayat, he has to wake up and UPGRADE his skill. He has to move with the times and not always stick to his old and unworkable gameplan.
If Peter Gade continues to play consistently, we dont see why he is not a threat to the other players. Jonassen have the potential.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Rules & Regulations for Boon Lay Open 2007

Boon Lay Open 2007 is held at:

Boon Lay Community Centre
Saturday, 6th June 2007
Latecomers will be diaqualifed immediately, no excuses will be entertained.

  • The games will be based on 21 pin-pong point system, best of 3sets.
  • No blaming of quality of shuttle, the courts, the lightings, linesmans' judgement is allowed, umpire's decision will be final.
  • At completion of each set, players are allowed to rest for 3 Minutes only according to KFC's Badminton Body and have to commence with the next set.
  • Any delay or unco-operations of the players will be disqualifed from the games.
  • Players are constanly reminded to control their tempers during the game in any event of unsatisfactory, be it personal issues or any dissatifactory towards the judges. The umpire have the rights to stop the game immediately and announced the victory to the victim.
  • No violent acts are allowed. Eg, slamming of racket when miss kill!!
  • Vulgarities are strictly prohibited. Players are reminded that the match will be broadcasted to the world and any inappropriate languages will be severly deealt with.

    Disciplinary actions will be taken by the organisation bodies if any of the above rules are not followed.

So the Champion of Boon Lay Open 2007 will get:

10 World Ranking Points.

First Runner-up: 5 World Ranking Points

Second Runner-up: 3 World Ranking Points

Last: 1 World Ranking Point( Sympathy Point PlUS effort point)

After a great discussion with the KFC Badminton Body, we decided to introduce BONUS GAMES, Doubles between the 4 world-class players.

Champion of the Bonus Games will get additional 3 points, Loser will get 1 point.

Point system will be based on 15 point (Service Over), best of 3 sets.
The Champion will be partnering the Loser VS the First and Second Runner-ups.
Good Luck to the players on this coming Saturday =)

Blowing trumpet BoonSAK!!!!!!

''Boonsak is well known for blowing trumpet!'' EXCLAIMED TAUFIK in the recent headlines. '' Aiya this person now like getting yaya papaya le, tell you hor, IN 2 DAYS TIME I WILL TRASH U!!'' The media is excepting a tough fight between them if they were to meet in final.

Taufik's first opponent will be Jonasson which is expected to have an easy win. When asked what tactics he will use against Jonasson, Taufik replied,''I will let history repeat, I will use my backhand smash, BOOOMMMM! then he sure BO WEI GONG!''

Boon Lay Open will be held at Boon Lay Community Centre, this Saturday, 9th June 2007.
ONLY LEFT 30 tickets, so hurry now, get your tickets at KFC Foundation.=)

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Draws for Boon Lay open 2007 is out!!!

The draws are out for the Boon lay open 2007 which will be held next week.

Boonsak Ponsana VS Peter Gade
Taufik Hidayat VS Jonassen

Unlucky Peter Gade will face the formidable Thai on his first match. Peter said" Wah peng la, WTF meet Boonsak!!!! DIE LIAO LARZ, bao jia and bo chun lorz, haiz i think i can get ready to TA BAO and go home to celebrate for my christmas"

Peter Gade is obviously very afraid of meeting the NUMBER ONE. He hardly won Boonsak in all of their previous meetings. Peter always suffer and had a very hard time in the court when meting Boonsak. Its either him very busy running like a monkey or juz looking and picking shuttles!!!

But one piece of advice from TAUFIK HIDAYAT: " HAIYO JUZ ATTACK HIS BACKHAND LARZ PUSH HIM TO THE BACK, push push push, and he will PENG PENG PENG!!! "

Useless Taufik will meet JONASSEN. Though its a sure win match, but taufik must be wary of complacency!! Dont think u r that great, cos if the next match u meet BOONSAk, u r dead!
Taufik loves to talk and notorious to be giving excuse when he lose.This time round, we think he will blame on his new racket!!

Taufik will be using his new $80 proace racket the first time in a BIG BIG TOURNAMENT.

Recent fOrm Of Taufik..

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Boonsak critisize TAUFIK

Boonsak Ponsana was reported to be outrage by Taufik disrectful comments on both Him and PETER GADE. Boonsak said:"Taufik is always like that. I dont know why he keep critisizing others. Look at himself, he cant even move in the court. you think he can meh?? he cnnt cordinate his hands and legs lehz.Worsestill, he stumble at every move people make. When he net to you HE ALWAYS SEEM TO BE 100% sure THAT YOU WILL NET BACK BUT WHEN U LIFT, HE WILL JUZ STAND THERE LIKE AN IDIOT AND STRETCH HIS NECK LIKE A GIRAFFE!!!"

Reporter COLONEL BURGER asked him:"he said things like he can smash side line and you run like a cow. Do you have any comments on that."


The straits times can only comment that the shuttle speaks for itself whos the best. No amont of talk from the players can really determine anything now. Its far too early.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Boonsak boastful, not capable!! says Hidayat

Looking at Boonsak's recent comments on KFC championship, Taufik responded angrily," WHAT BULLSHIT? never saw anyone lose already till can talk BIG!!''

When ask how confident he can be when he meet Boonsak in JUNE, Taufik responded confidently. '' No problem la, my jumping smash so sideline, that idiot sure run like mad COW one, MOoooooooooooooo haha,"

''How about Peter GAde?'' ''That one ar, that one recently sick sick sick, so weak, not even on my mind sia, sure knock-out one la, fitness ZERO!!!"

Judging from these players comments, we are expecting a tough fight between them on this coming JUNE, BOON LAY OPEN 2007.

Tickets are sold at SISTICS, please call 1800-222-339 for further enquires.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Boonsak eying on KFC championship

Thailand number one star Boonsak Ponsana announced to the press today that he will try to fight for the prestigious title:KFC CHAMPIONSHIP. Even though he suffered a defeat by taufik hidayat in the JW open 2007 last saturday, Boonsak is still positive that he have what it takes to become the champion. "I have been improving from strength to strength over these years and i am developing into a more offensive player," said Boonsak. When asked on his feelings on meeting Both Taufik and the Denmark superstar, Peter Gade, Boonsak said: "Taufik deceptive and shharp dropshot might posed a big problems for me while peter always surprise his opponent with some stunning tricks.But i still believe that i can do it!"

The 19 year old star is currently unseeded.










Any enquires, please contact Fucai at 91879667, Chi Hui at 96149590 or Kheng Loon at 91127417.

Thank you. We look forward to see you soon=)

Proudly sponsored by: KFC Foundation.


Cai's Profile=)

Personal Details

Name: Toh Fu Cai aka Taufik Hidayat, Indonesia.
Date of birth: 14th March 1988
Age: 19
Height: 1.70m
Weight: 55kg
Value: 13million
Preferred Move: Sharp drop-shot=)

Technical Attributes

Lobbing: 12
Drop Shot: 14
Smashing: 5
Pushing: 3
Defending: 4
Technique: 1

Mental Attributes

Aggression: 5
Composure: 2
Bravery: 6
Concentration: 7
Creativity: 1
Decisions: 2
Determination: 4
Work Rate: 5

Physical Attributes

Strength: 10
Stamina: 13
Pace: 6
Natural Fitness: 10
Balance: 4
Footwork: 13

Career Statistics:

Beat Boonsak 21-12, 21-23, 21-17 in Jurong West Open 2007

Hui's Profile=)

Personal Details

Name: Soh Chi Hui aka Boonsak Ponsana, Thailand
Date of birth: 17th November 1988
Age: 18+
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 48kg
Value: 18million
Preferred Move: Jumping Smash, although easily defend by cai and lOon.=)

Technical Attributes

Drop Shot:10

Mental Attributes

Work Rate:2

Physical Attributes

Natural Fitness:1

Career Statistics:

Beat Hidayat 15-12,15-4 in the opening game in Jurong West Open 2007

Emerged Champion in Gek Poh Open 2007,

  • Beating Hidayat 15-8 in Gek Poh Open 2007 &
  • Beating Peter Gade 15-6 in Gek Poh Open 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Lo0N's ProfiLe=)

Personal Details

Name: Ong Kheng Loon aka Peter Gade, Denmark.
Date of Birth: 8th June 1988
Age: 18+
Height: 1.78m
Value: 12 Million
Preferred Move: Netting and LoBBing( but his lobbinG somtimes half court, kana Hui jumping SmasH..woooooooooooSOH!!!!!)

Technical Attributes

Lobbing: 12
Drop Shot: 5
Smashing: 5
Pushing: 3
Technique: 2

Mental Attributes

Aggression: 15
Work Rate:18

Physical Attributes

Natural Fitness:6

Career Statistics:

Beat Jonasson 15-5 in Gek Poh Open 2007