Sunday, September 16, 2007

Peter Gade

Months had passed and there were no news about the world 7th seed, Peter Gade.

Today, we are very honor to have this one-one interview with Peter Gade, conducted by our No1 reporter, James Ong.

James Ong: Hi, Gade. I am James Ong, nOt James Bond. Wahaha.. How are you getting on?

Gade: Wow, you are a very interesting fellow. I like you. You look like my favourite artiste fromt the band, Westlife. You know who.. Shhh.. The one who is not to be spoken..

James: Okay, i think i know who.. So, how are you getting on after you are being defeated by lin dan in the lately game?

Gade: Hey you! Can't you stop asking about this? Pls dun write this in the magazine!

***Obviously we will write to increase our sales!

Gade:I have been doing fine. Just came back from Malaysia for a holiday and I met Chong Wei. To share with you, he just recieve a letter of appreciation from the chief commissioner of the malaysia police force. He had brought down 7 robbers by using his trademark jumping smash, at a speed of 400km/h. The police was impressed by his shuttle which travelled faster than the bullet. Hey, hidayat, you have a opponent.

James: So, how your trainning for the next few competition?

Gade: I am a realistic player unlike those who die die want to win through smashing. The faster the better? I doubt.. Look at boonsak?Hidayat? trainning like a cow, trying to throw the shuttle from Singapore to America. For wat man. Buy and take a flight lah. I have been working on my stamina and my footwork. Thats all.

James: Thank you for your time, gade.

Gade: You are most welcome. For those who wants to view more clips about the hidayat and boonsak, please login Thank you, james.

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